28 Nov 2011

Production Diary

28/11/2011 - Today we practised different shots and techniques in preperation for our documentary. We focused on typical documentary conventions such as handheld footage, long shots and close ups for interviews. We learnt that the SD card Digital Video Camera was more appropriate to use rather than the Mini DV Digital Video Camera. We also learnt how to use the sound recording equipment and how we could use it effectively for our documentary. We learnt how to use the different functions on the camera and practised using different lighting both artificial and natural. We also wanted to make sure morbid weather conditions would suitable and appropriate for our documentary, creating a pathertic fallacy effect. Emphasising a negative atmosphere.

5/12/2011 - (Georgia and Eliana) Today we practiced using the camera and sound equipment. We tested out a variety of shots which we are going to use in our documentary. We went around college and tested zooms, pans, tracking shots and how to create the best effect using a handheld camera. We practiced this as many hand held shots will be used in our documentary to create the feeling of realism and the chaos caused by the riots.

8/12/2011 - (Amy & Eliana) We took the SD Card Digital camera and the tripod into Manchester City Centre and filmed a variety of shots to be inlcuded in our final documentary. As the weather turned out fairly bad, we used it to our advantage and captured a variety of shots which include natural low key lighting which will help to emphasise a negative atmosphere. The locations we vistied in Manchester were Market Street, The Arndale Shopping Centre and also got some footage of the Manchester Big Wheel. We intend to edit this, adding the sound FX and SFX where necessary to create a more professional looking documentary.

9/12/2011 - Today we transferred the shots from the SD Card onto the computer and into Adobe Premier Pro CS3. In this, we gathered the shots together and made a start editing them for the final piece of our documentary. We also discussed what editing techniques we would use to show these shots, such as disolves or quick cuts which would create the best feeling for our documentary.

4/1/2012 - Continuing to edit the footage of Manchester City Centre. Cutting and removing the unwanted footage whilst also placing the most professional looking footage in the chronological order relating to our storyboard. We have experimented with the use of a jump cut to create disorenting effect as the proceeding shot is advanced in time, ( before and after the riots). This creates a sense of discontinunity which will represent the chaotic atmosphere we wish to achieve within our documentary.

6/1/2012 - Ancillary projects 1 and 2 are completed. A magazine review and billboard would be used to advertise our product to a broader audience using different media texts.

19/1/2012 - A turturiol lesson on how to use Adobe Premiere. Introduction into transitions and editing that may come useful when developing our final piece. Also an introduction into how to add sound effects, such as sound motifs or incidental music to create an interesting an tension builing atmosphere within our documentary.

25/1/2012 - Today some of us looked at different music we could use for the middle section of our documnetary on YouTube whilst two of us focused on editing the beginning part of our documentary using the techniques we learnt during the editing lesson. We specifically focused on cutting some clips down using the 'razor tool' and fitting the clips in the order we intended to.