23 Jan 2012

Ancillary Task 2

Amy Turner

The seond ancillary product is a review which would be featured within a unisex magazine such as Time Magazine. A popular all round informative magazine such as this, targets a wider audience, which in turn would hopefully generate a wider audience for our documentary overall. The structured collumns with small text, the magazine masthead in the top left hand corner and images are all common features found within current magazine articles. The professional alignment of the text and images create controlled and well ordered article for easier reading. Along with this the high frequency lexis indicates a larger audience of people from any background or education. A date and time is added to inform, whilst the images and the direct quotations from other magazines and newspapers persuade.

9 Dec 2011

Ancillary Task 1 - Poster/ billboard

Amy Turner
This Poster, created using Adobe PhotoShop, may be seen on a billboard with a busy city centre location, such as Manchester, as this is area it targets, so therefore would hopefully like to develop a local audience from this area. The large image used as the background represents the themes to be featured throughout the documentary. The bold contrasting orange of the fire helps to illuminate the image, making in eye-catching and most importantly, interesting to look at. The basic monochromatic colour scheme of the text included, gives the poster a more professional look, inspired from earlier analysis's of channel four documentary posters. The use of just a title, strapline and tag line, gives the most important information, without revealing too much information regarding the contents of the documentary. This creates an enigma code, persuading the audience to tune in, in an attempt to learn more about the documentary and in turn, the riots.
(Amy Turner)